Termites are are known for causing structural damage. Depend on Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for top-quality termite control and extermination services. We guarantee total elimination of termites and give a
on our termite control services.
We cater our termite control services to both residential and commercial establishments. Take advantage of our follow-up inspections, and we'll ensure that you'll never have a termite infestation again.
Termites are social insects that live in colonies. They have three castes: workers, soldiers, and reproductive. They build their colonies underground and feed on cellulose materials. They are responsible for creating over 5 billion dollars worth of damage to homes across the US.
The worker termite is the most destructive and numerous member of the colony. It is creamy white in color, wingless, and grows to be about ¼ of an inch in height. The soldiers look very similar to the workers but have much larger jaws and the head is yellow colored and elongated. The reproductive swarmers are dark brown to black in color and grow wings. They are about ¼ to ½ of an inch in size.
Although the Sub-Termite is not dangerous to humans, they are very dangerous to the structures of their homes and workplaces. Termites can stay undetected for long periods and create structural damage.
Termites are most commonly discovered by homeowners in the spring of the year through swarming. A termite swarm usually occurs after spring rains, and when the colony has matured. The winged reproductive members will swarm from the nest during the day to mate. They typically lose their wings during the swarm. When a swarm occurs in a hive they will only live for a few hours as they have cut themselves off from the ground. When in this state, they are harmless to the home. However, the workers are still feeding behind the walls and floors.
Termites build mud tunnels or ruins out of dirt and saliva to travel through. These tunnels are most commonly found on foundation walls and in sheetrock walls. Yes, they eat the paper of sheetrock.
Termites have to return to the soil for moisture to survive. So when you see termites in a damaged floor or wall they have to leave to get moisture and feed the colony.
Treating for termites means treating the soil in which they get their moisture. This can be under concrete slabs, in enclosed spaces and around the perimeter of the structure.
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