Pyramid Ants are medium-sized, pale orange to dark brown colored slender ants mostly spotted in sandy soil areas. These species aren’t aggressive and feed on sweet items such as honeydew. They are often considered beneficial pests as they are the predators of undesirable insects such as fire ants.
Argentine ants are usually light to dark brown and can develop a large population and can keep multiplying causing inconvenience at any residential or commercial property. If you are looking for pest extermination at a competitive price, call the expert team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control. From ants to bedbugs, we guarantee you a pest-free home in no time.
Small honey ants are a native species of ants. They build their colonies under stones, landscaping beds, lawn areas. They have high cold tolerance, hence are nicknamed as the winter ants. They can contaminate various daily food items such as slices of bread, meats, syrup, honey, fruits, sweets, and much more.
White-footed ants are medium-small, black to brownish colored insects. These ants can reproduce in larger numbers due to their lesser defensive capabilities. These ants can cause nuisance at your property and can be commonly seen in kitchens, bathrooms, and exterior of buildings.
Ghost ants are ants with a dark head, thorax, and a pale abdomen and legs, some of these ants are completely translucent. These ants have originated from “Afro” tropical regions but now can be frequently seen across various US states. These ants are primarily outdoor insects but can wander indoor as well.
Acrobat ants can be identified with their heart-shaped abdomen. These ants are usually light-brown-reddish to dark-brownish in color and nest in decaying plant remains, fallen trees or live in crevices and house voids.
The Theif Ants or scientifically named Solenopsis molesta is called so due to the habit of nesting close to other ant nests from which they steal food. These ants are small in size and are yellowish and brownish. These ants will eat anything including dead animals and can travel great distances in search of food.
Carpenter ants are social animals that live in colonies. These ants can be of any color including black, red, brown, and tan. Their nests can be usually spotted between cramped spaces such as shingles, sidings, beams, and joists.
There are several species of chiggers, but there are only two types that can be troublesome. One is the Eutrombicula alfreddugesi which inhabits grassy and weedy upland areas while the other one Eutrombicula splendens prefer moist habitats such as swamps and bogs. A Chigger usually attaches itself to a host which could be a bird, reptile, rodent, small mammals or humans in some cases. They readily host on someone who walks through infested vegetation. A chigger bite can result in redness and itching.
Black Widow spiders are the inspects with red spots and that can be commonly spotted outdoors under stones, woodpiles, basement, crawl spaces, and other indoor areas. These crawling insects are of no severe threat, but can be of inconvenience to many people and can cause contamination; hence it’s recommended to seek professional expertise to remove these from any property.
Brown recluse spiders are light to medium brown colored spiders; they are 6-20mm but can grow larger. These spiders build irregular webs in a disorderly thread. They frequently build their webs in undisturbed places such as woodpiles, sheds, cellars, closet, toilets, garages, and much more. If your property is infested by such spiders, call the expert pest control team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Mosquitos are one of the commonly known insects across the globe. Mosquitos breed and grow substantially across swampy places, crevices, and tree holes. Even if their bite is not that painful it can lead to various viral infections and illness. Even if there are many remedies available in stores and professional pest and bug control service can ensure a foolproof safe environment.
Commonly known as small spa-sucking insects, aphids can cause a great threat to plants hence they are one of the most dreaded species by farmers and gardeners. Aphids are usually green, brown, black or pink with antennae with six segments and sucking mouthparts called stylets. Zoologists suggest they are a group of highly successful organisms. The experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control can help analyze the degree of threat Aphids possess to your farm or garden and offer suitable treatment.
Boxelder bugs are reddish bugs that are approximately 1.3 mm in length with wing pads and red abdomen. They have a striped appearance with prominent wings. Boxelder bugs usually cluster around the sun-exposed side of trees, buildings, and rocks. This species feeds on plants, seeds may also damage flowers and leaves. They can also nest in cracks and crevices in any building causing infestation and inconvenience for homeowners.
This insect can be distinguished with a baggy appearance created at the larval (caterpillar) stages. Usually, the female species spend the winter months partially developing caterpillars followed by completing feeding and pupating in spring. Usually, they attach themselves to hosts such ornamental conifers, fruit trees, oak, maple, pine, salt cedar, and much more. The infested plants can give rise to more bagworms leading in the demolition of the host plant. However, a professional pest control service can be of great help to remove these bags and spreading to the surrounding trees.
Warehouse Beetles are commonly known as the pantry pest. It can be easily mistaken as any other beetle due to its size and appearance. The larva prefers to feed on barley, rice, and wheat but will feed on anything including cereals, cocoa, cookies, fish meal, nuts, flour, chips, beans and much more. It is commonly found in warehouses, grain processing plants and residential food storing areas. It can cause potential threat with large infestations as the infested food can contain the molten skin of the larvae which can lead to intestinal irritation.
Centipedes are predators and use their antennae to seek their prey. Their body is a digestive tract in the form of a tube with digestive glands connected to the mouthparts. They breathe through a tracheal system with a single opening or spiracle on each segment. The majority of this species feeds primarily on earthworms, the larger species can feed on vertebrates as well as invertebrates. They have been also observed eating reptiles, small mammals, bats, and birds.
Formosan termites are yellowish-brown in color with narrow oval-shaped bodies and about half-inch in length. Formosans usually from shelters in huge underground colonies and build intricate mud nests inside wall structures. This species is known because of their aggressive nature and are difficult to control once they have infested a structure. The best way to prevent infestation is careful measures.
Nepiade or nicknamed as “Water scorpions” have raptorial forelegs and a tail like a bump at the end of the abdomen. Usually, their bite is less dangerous than a sting of the scorpion but can be painful. These are water thriving organisms and can be controlled with professional help.
Belostomatidae are generally water thriving bugs and need professional pest control services to stop breeding and infestation. Whether you have Belostomatidae at any commercial space or have facing any issues at your residence due to similar insects, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
Spider beetles are a species of the Anobiidae family and can be mistaken as spiders due to their long legs and large abdomen. These are one of the commonly found beetles ranging from 1.5 to 3.5mm. These beetles can sometimes thrive in extreme conditions and usually feed on a variety of food such as rye bread, cornmeal, dried fruits and much more. From damp and moist temperatures to extreme cold surroundings the beetles can go up to survive for 2-3 years. If not controlled or removed professionally these can cause an infestation in food leading to several health problems.
The Oriental cockroach is one of the largest species measuring about 1 inch in length with a dark brown and glossy body. These cockroaches are slow travelers and usually shelter on decaying organic matter, sewers drain, damp basements, and porches. The female cockroaches carry egg cases also known as “oothecae” that can hatch on their own in two months. So, even if the cockroaches can be easily controlled by insecticides, the egg cases can hatch new nymphs.
Moles are soil insects that feed on the soil surface or below the soil surface on other insects such as earthworms. As they grow into adults they add plant material into their diet. Their tunneling activity can cause a great disruption for growing plants as it loosens the soil around them.
Commonly referred to as sugar ant Pharaoh Ants usually live in larger colonies consisting of many nests. Usually, these ant nests can be found in heated temperatures, as in most of the cases they cannot survive outdoors. These species of ants feasts on pieces of bread, cakes, sweet food items, and greasy foods, hence are nicknamed as the “sugar ant”. If you have spotted such infestation at your home or office, call the pest control experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
German cockroach females carry an egg capsule that is attached to the end of their abdomen. Each egg capsule contains 30 to 40 eggs which hatch in two to four days after being deposited. This species can thrive without food up to a month and up to two weeks without water. They have a great lifespan of 100-200 days and their infestation is a potential threat from inhalant allergens, moreover, they are one of the carriers for microbial pathogens and diseases for humans and animals. You can always seek the help of a professional team to help you keep your property safe and tidy. Call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
Fleas infestation is a common problem everywhere. Fleas can multiply very faster as they produce a large number of eggs at one go. The larvae can get deeply attached to your bedding, carpet, fabric or your pet’s skin. Apart from simple itching fleas can spread bacterial diseases too, they are also responsible for transmitting dog tapeworm to dogs and cats. So get your residence a flea-free zone with professional services by Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Subterranean termites have long, narrow and rounded bodies with a short beaded antenna. These termites live primarily in underground colony and cluster in large groups. They get access to food with self-build “mud tubes” to protect themselves from open air. Collectively they can cause damage to structures with constant biting and have the potential of collapsing a large structure with building tunnels through cracks in concrete and soil. If you are facing such problem with termite infestation call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
The Camel cricket is also known by several names such as cave weta, cave crickets, sand crickets, and sand treaders. They are brownish and have a humpbacked appearance. Camel crickets can be commonly spotted in cool and damp environments such as rotten logs, hollow trees, stones, and damp leaves. They can cause occasional nuisance, especially in the dark. They have limited vision and will only jump towards any threat in defense. If you feel your basement or laundry area is infested by camel crickets, give a call to professionals at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Daddy longlegs is not a spider but is generally mistaken as one, also known by the name of “the Harvestman” because it is the most conspicuous in the fall. It’s a common myth that it is poisonous, but in reality, it has no venom. Daddy longlegs feeds on a variety of foods such as caterpillars, beetles, flies, earthworms and decaying plant. Usually, they pose no threat but can be a problem if found in large numbers. If you are looking for a professional solution for pest control, call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Phorid flies are also known as humpbacked flies; they resemble fruit flies in appearance. These flies are dark brown and usually feed on dead organic matter. They are fond of moisture, hence can be seen around trash cans, crawl spaces, drainage systems, and much more. This breed can have several breeding sources in one particular area and which needs professional attention. These flies can cause sanitary concerns for patients as they breed in unsanitary conditions. So, if you spot an infestation or breeding spot for such flies feel free to contact the professionals at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Midges refer to a variety of small flies whose habits can vary from species to species but they commonly have similar ecological roles. Midgets are two-winged flies that do not pose any threat. They can be usually found around ponds, streams and other small water bodies humming in swarms producing a buzzing sound that can seem a little inconvenient to some. If you are looking forward to the professional team for insect control solutions, get in touch with the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Fungus gnats are small flies than usually infest plant pots, soil and another source of organic decomposition. Even if they look small in appearance and do not usually fly indoors, they are attracted to light and can be spotted around plants near the windows. Their larva feeds on fungi and other organic compounds present in the soil and can sometimes chew roots which can be a problem in nurseries and indoor gardens. If you can looking for a quick solution to stop fungus gnats infestation, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
The housefly is one of the most common domestic flies which breeds on garbage and waste products. They are capable of carrying over 100 types of pathogens which can cause diseases like cholera, bacillary, tuberculosis, and much more. Some breeds have become immune to the regularly used insecticides, hence it’s recommended to seek professional help to stop housefly infestation. Call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for a prompt pest control service.
The stable fly is also commonly known by the name of dog fly and biting housefly. It typically feeds on blood from warm-blooded mammals including pets, humans, and livestock which can irritate. They are active flyers and generally prefers feeding in the lower part of the host's body. The females usually lay eggs in decaying animal and plant wastes. Professional insect controls teams can suggest and apply recommended insecticides that can control the infestation of such insects. The trusted team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control can offer you a hassle-free service at competitive prices.
Cluster flies are slow-moving flies generally found in homes, schools, commercial properties, and un-inhabited areas. They are attracted to light and are seen in clusters, even if they do not pose any potential threat to humans or animals, but can create an annoying buzz sound on colliding and dropping to the floor till exhausted. If you have large groups of cluster flies that are causing inconvenience, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Drain flies are short hairy insects with a moth-like appearance which can be easily found in septic tanks, drains and filter stones. The larva generally feeds on fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms found in the slime layers around the drains and sewage treatments beds. They can cause contamination in various ways if choose to cluster in residential or commercial properties. If you are looking forward to professional measures to remove drain flies from your property call the specialists at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
Fruit flies are pale yellow to reddish-brown flies with red eyes. They breed on a fermented surface including garbage disposals, empty bottles, cans, and much more. Generally, these flies breed on ripened fruits and vegetables and are attracted to half-cut or disposed slices of fruits and vegetables. The best way to keep their infestation at a bay is to eliminate all sources of breeding or nesting from them. Storing fruit and vegetables the right way can be of great help. If you have to deal with heavy fruit fly infestation you can rely on the professionals at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Cheese flies are black, blue-black or bronze-colored flies with antennae and legs. They usually feed and infest on animal products such as cured meats, smoked fish, salted animal products, cheeses and much more. The infestation can be brought to control by correctly storing animal products in tight storage, but professional insect control is an ideal solution for efficient results. Call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for further assistance.
Head lice need no introduction, they are parasitic organisms that stay on the human scalp and feed on human blood. They cannot fly or jump and their stumpy legs make walking difficult for them on flat surfaces. They cause no harm, but mild itchiness that can lead to minor infections. It is considered as a cosmetic problem rather than a medical.
Body lice are very different than the head lice both in characteristics and appearance. The body louse is about the size of a sesame seed with six legs and is tan to greyish-white. These lice attach their eggs to the host’s clothes and feed on human blood. If detached from the host’s body it will die in room temperature.
Booklice is not true lice, it just matches with the appearance of lice. Booklice only feeds on mold or fungi and is usually present in spots with high humidity. It mostly feeds on molds due to which they can contaminate any food item that supports mold growth. It can be controlled with traditional methods but can require professional help in case the infestation is too much. Call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for all kinds of residential and commercial pest control services.
The puss caterpillar is also known as Southern flannel moth. It generally has a furry appearance which gives it an appealing look that encourages people to pet them. Its fur body has venomous spines that can cause pain and irritation on contact with the human skin. A puss caterpillar bite can lead to burning, swelling, headache, nausea, and much more. They can be found on elms, oaks, and other trees. Sometimes they can be spotted on garden plants as well. Their bites can be cured with many traditional remedies, but it’s ideal to prevent yourself before you get a painful bite. Call the professionals at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for dependable pest control services.
Indian meal moths are pantry pests which feed on cereals, grains, dried, fruits and a variety of processed food products. Their larva can leave droppings and silken webs that can reduce the value of stored grains. These moths have a reddish-brown outer body with forewings. The best ways to control moth infestation is complete removal of the moths and its stray larvae. You can reach out the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for professional moth exterminate service.
There are about 25 species of venomous scorpions that can kill humans. Scorpions take shelter in pool places in the day time and come out to prey at night. They are predators of small insects and arthropods. They have a very low metabolic rate hence have an inactive lifestyle and can go up to months without eating. As they cause a fatal threat, you can seek professional help to remove scorpions from your property. Call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for further details.
Pseudo scorpions are not true scorpions but belong to the same family. They resemble miniature crabs but are harmless to humans. They feed on small arthropods such as moths, lice, mites, flies, and much more. They are often found in homes, bird and rodent nests feeding on arthropods. These creatures are nuisance free until they are found in large clusters. You can always seek professional help to remove such infestation. Call the team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for any kind of pest and bug extermination service at a competitive price.
Wolf spiders live in a wide range of habitats such as shrublands, woodland, coastal forests, and suburban gardens. They are usually harmless but are capable of defensive bites if provoked continuously. Their venom can cause mild pain, itching, and swelling. They have eight eyes arranged in three rows and depend on their excellent eyesight and sense of touch to prey. If you are bothered by any kind of pest or bug infestation, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
The southern house spiders are also known as cribellate spider due to their unique technique of trapping their prey. They do not bite unless trapped, however, they have the tendency of crawling over any obstacle that comes their way. They cannot see larger obstacles as they are nearly blind . They instinctively play dead which proves to be an effective strategy against predators. You can call the professionals at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for any kind of pest or bug control.
Ticks are small archnids that are parasitic; they usually feed off the blood of mammals, birds and reptiles. They are known to be a carrier for several diseases including tick fever, tick paralysis, tick-borne meningoencephalitis as well as bovine anaplasmosis. Tick bites can be painful and can cause can cause inflammation, swelling, fever, anemia and paralysis in some cases. Tick removal is necessary to prevent fatal conditions.
American dog ticks or wood tick are mostly found in the US, mostly found on dogs they can also target larger mammals and reptiles, even humans. They can cause canine tick paralysis. It’s generally recommended that these ticks should be professionally removed under careful supervision or with forceps with precaution. It usually not a good idea to hand pick the ticks as this doesn’t ensure complete removal of the ticks and can tick secretion can also cause further infections.
Notonectidae is also called as “back swimmers” these insects dwell in water bodies such as lakes, ponds, garden ponds and even fresh water bodies. Notonectidae usually feeds on large tadpoles, small fishes and can even bite humans. Their sting is very similar to a mosquito bite. You can call professionals in case you spot a large cluster causing inconvenience in any form. Reach out the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for further details.
Corixidae also called as water boatmen can be generally found in ponds and slow moving streams. They are small sized insects with fine dark brown or black color. They usually swim up to the bottom of ponds or steams and feed on aquatic plants and algae.
These are unique water insects which have front wings that work as a membranous covering. Their mouthpart is evolved for piercing and sucking, they can transfer their weight to be able to run on top of the water’s surface. Scientists have identified about 1,700 species of gerrids so far.
These bugs are also known as riffle bugs or broad-shouldered water striders. Veliidae can be usually found in water bodies such as streams, ponds, lake margins and much more. They usually feed on arthropods by detecting their surface vibrations.
Stink bugs are shield-shaped insects and are usually bright green. They feed on more than 52 types of plants including vines, weeds, shrubs, and ornamental trees. These bugs usually inflict mechanical injury to the seed and have the capacity to transmit the yeast-spot disease organism. They usually emit an unpleasant odor and repel many predators.
Leafhoppers are elongated, wedge-shaped and somewhat triangular insects which jump and fly off readily. Leafhoppers generally host on specific plants depending on their food requirements, but generally, they feed on leaves of a wide variety of plants including many types of grasses, flowers, vegetables, shrubs, and deciduous trees. They are capable of occasionally injuring plants and transmitting plant diseases. If you are looking forward to leafhopper control services, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
Kudzu bugs are olive-green colored bugs and produce a mildly unpleasant odor when disturbed. Their primary host is kudzu and soybean plants. They can be usually spotted in cracks and crevices and can be found both indoors and outdoors. They can create nuisances such as clustering at places, can cause allergies and skin irritation. In addition to that, they can cause unpleasant odor and leave stains on crushed or irritated as they belong to the same superfamily of stink bugs. If you are bothered by kudzu bugs at your property, call the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control today.
Yellowjackets can be confused with wasps or hornets due to similar resemblance. These are primarily found in flower beds, pastures, and aerial nests and can create nuisance in public and open spaces because of their scavenging behavior. However, you can always get professional help if you are looking forward to efficient pest control.
Velvet ants are wasps and have a similar appearance with ants. They usually live in warm and sandy areas. Their bite can cause a painful sting to man and animals, but they are rarely plentiful to create any nuisance.
Paper wasps feed on other insects such as beetle larvae, flies and caterpillars that have the potential to harm plant materials. Due to this characteristic, they are considered beneficial by gardeners. They are usually harmless but can be controlled with traditional methods.
Ciacada killers are one of the largest species of wasps. They usually live in forests garden areas or around waste and feed on flower nectar. Their larvae usually eat cicadas, hence they get the name “Cicada Killers”.
These termites are social insects that form colonies. They can be usually spotted sheltered under roof shingles, sidings, timber, and bushes. They primarily live within the wood and their infestation can be spotted they swarming out from small openings or piles of waste under their colonies. You can rely on the experts at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control for professional dry wood termite control.
The Japanese beetle is a commonly found species of beetle. It is a pest of about 200 species of plants including fruit trees, birch trees, rose bushes. They are capable of damaging plants by consuming only the leaf material and fruits if available. So, if your garden is infested by Japanese beetles, feel free to call the professional team at Pierce & Son Termite & Pest Control.
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